Thursday, September 3, 2009


Great News!!!!!

So today was the first time I think we really worried someone by Lane's coughing... The last few days he has been having some coughing fits. We had to got to a few Dr. visits in OKC and stopped off at McDs for lunch... He sounded terrible and several times today people were staring at us wishing they could come up with enough courage to say "TAKE YOUR SICK KID HOME". Seeing the cloud of worry take over their faces, I tried to reassure each of them: No worries, he is not contagious and does NOT HAVE THE SWINE FLU, or whooping cough, bronchitis or any other cough producing contagious illness.... He just has CF no worries.... It is amazing how they take a sigh of relief, and quickly engage in conversation.... There life has been spared... Like I said, this was our first experience with this situation (previously, before diagnosis I probably thought he was contagious, and kept him home) and it really was amazing how uncomfortable it made people feel, and I am sure more so because of the swine flu.....

Anyways back to my GREAT NEWS!!! In Mc Ds, Lane starts have a serious coughing fit, and people just kinda started starring, some I am sure out of concern and some out of fear of infection.... This kind older Lady says afterwards "was he choking?" . Which by the way I thought was the best thing she could have said. I think she was concerned for him, but her little 3 year old grand daughter as well.... Of course she did not want her little one sick with some crazy illness she caught from some little boy whose mother doesn't have enough sense to keep him home away from the rest of the population.... Of course she didn't say that, but really all of us mothers think that... *keep your sick kids home* Right.... So anyways, I really think she said the perfect thing..... Was he choking? Which showed her concern as well as opened the door for me to say oh no he has the swine flu..... Just kidding.... So I express to her, no he is not choking, and that I know he sounds really bad, and most people would be concerned he was contagious but that he is not he just has CF....

She says, "really, hmm my grand daughter is a carrier"

This totally took me back since most people don't even know they are a carrier.. so of course I asked further... How do you know she is a carrier of CF?

Ding Ding Ding....


Here is the great news everyone....

We live in Oklahoma, and Lane missed the screening by less than a year, leading to him being misdiagnosed for four years...

So here this little girl (thanks to the state mandated newborn screening) knows she is a carrier.... This is the first time I have personally had someone tell me that in Oklahoma... so YEA to STATE MANDATED SCREENING..... WHOOT...

This is what treatments have looked like the last two weeks... Kindergarten is wearing him out!!! But he's LOVIN it.....

1 comment:

  1. that really is awesome! i wonder if it is mandatory here by now. i can't imagine rewinding time and being armed with the info earlier.


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