Thursday, October 8, 2009

Soccer The Safer Choice.... So I thought...

Football or Soccer... Yes that was the decision, well actually I wouldn't mind gymnastics, I think Lane would love gymnastics, but my husband is not really sold on that one. Anyways Football or Soccer???

Well our other boys played football starting at age four (kinda serious around this small town) and if I read it correctly tackle now starts in the first grade (which in my opinion is a little well INSANE, but who am I just a mom)..... Okay so the other boys did the rough tough expected boy thing, and were actually both pretty good at it, but guess what now in high school both want nothing to do with it.... I don't mind since my memories of football don't exactly leave me with a warm cozy feeling......

So I felt Soccer was a better fit for Lane, since I am not ready to let him (if my memory serves me correctly) be tackled legally or illegally, sucker punched, cleated, gut kicked, and dog piled.. All in the name of football... Now this may be different these days, but since they lowered the age for tackle, I would not bank on it... so yep I thought soccer would better fit my Lane.....

Now my Lane is CF Made, which if you didn't know what that means, it makes him far more durable than the average thrill seeker.... I am aware that he often feels he possesses super natural powers that allow him to engage in unsafe situations such as diving in the baby pool or down bleachers, and I am also aware that it really takes ALLOT before he breaks, he HATES crying in front of people.... So after an altercation at soccer practice, the tears should have been a clear indicator that he really was hurt, but he has been exhausted lately... Kindergarten has worn him out, and cranky has become our evening routine, so I just thought he was cranky... oops until practice ended and we start to walk to the truck... bham my son is sportin two huge goose eggs, one on each eyebrow.... result of head bunts (which for whatever reason continue to occur)... Seriously I was like, "why my kid".... not that I would want another kid to be sportin horns, but I really think my CF Made kid has given me enough to worry about.... God made no mistake allowing me the time to spiritually mature before blessing me with Lane.... And I often wonder what God was thinking when he entrusted me with such huge responsibility.... Obviously God felt he had prepared me for all blessing this child will bring me, but my heart is often in my throat..... I often feel I am riding through life on the edge of my seat... Between my daughter graduating this year, teaching my oldest son drivers ed, and my CF Made son, God is really putting to much confidence in me lol :) My First Soccer Practice....
Sportin Horns.... The innocent pony at the fair, that I was prayin my son didn't spur.... He continued to try riding the poor pony like a bull, and with no hands.....

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