Monday, March 28, 2011

Appointments Appointments Appointmets

It seems I am always one step behind... These are pictures of our visit this last month which went very well, Lane's PFT were actually up from his PFTs done at Christmas, so that was a nice and welcoming surprise. I think he is still really learning how to accurately perform the PFTs so I do not put to much weight in them at this point, but it was still a blessing they were increased... His weight also increased so blessing all around...

However I will ask for some prayers this coming Wednesday, we already have to go back to the city again and it will be a LONG LONG day.. First of all he has to fast, so that leaves a two hour morning drive with NO food or drinks - boo..... Good thing he is not a morning person, but it still sucks.. this is to test his glucose levels... Then we also have a morning full of appointments as well as blood draw (which he HATES, but he is so BRAVE and holds the tears in) and then X-Rays, then we get to break for lunch ( and we are blessed to have a Chuck E Cheese coupon YAY thanks Kelly for snagging those from the newspaper for us :) so hopefully we have enough time to run there and eat,  then we have to go back to the hospital for some more appts... So needless to say it will be a LONG LONG day and my lil roo will not be happy... So prayers are always appreciated for a peaceful, FUN (cuz we always try to add some in), easy on the pocket book (cuz I am afraid these appointments are going to cost me more), as well as safe travels... 

In addition we got some concerning results back from one of our other children, so need some prayers that in the next few weeks we are able to finish the required tests on them and that all is okay....

   Lane puttin on the pounds  
 Lane doing his Pulmonary Lung Function Testing....


  1. Yay for a great visit. Good job lane.

    I really hope all went well Wednesday and hope the day wasn't too exhausting for you all?
    Also sending huge positiveness that all is well with your other child, must be a huge worry for you all and you are all in our thoughts.

    Thanks for the pictures of lane doing pfts, I may show Sophie them when she gets nearer to trying them, she always does better when she has seen other children doing them.

    Take care and really hope all is going to be okay.


  2. Glad his weight and PFTs increased..YAY!! Praying all the other appointments went well. Also praying for your other child.

  3. Amazing Super Hero Lane!
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. i love your blog! Your story and your fight has touched my life. You are a real brave courageous, strong, determined and happy fighter. You are full of life, full of spunk, full of courage, fight, smiles, and an inspriational hero!
    Keep on fighting and never give up!
    I was born with a rare life threatening diease and I live with pain and battles everyday. Like you I love Sports, Hockey come first, Football is second and baseball is third.


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