Thursday, September 2, 2010

Seriously I am Pathetic....

I am wondering why all the little germs decide to save themselves up for when school starts.... Really, its like they are just marching up and down the school hallways waiting for the first child to jump on... If it were up to me I think we should just skip the first month of school....

I am sick



My body aches

My nose wont quit running

Or is totally stopped up

Cant stop sneezing

My head is pounding

I absolutely don't want to get out of bed

Even though the wadded up tissues are about to over take me

and the pathetic thing is I GOT IT FROM LANE and HE never complained once.... and he even had bloody noses everyday for a week.... I don't know what that kid is made of but it obviously doesn't come from me.... I am a wuss..

We have exciting things going on here... I just got our pack from Make - A - Wish with more exciting information... Some of which I cant wait to share... Betty Kay from Make a Wish was so kind to priority it to me(cuz they are just the bestest), and I am Too sick to do ANYTHING.... I guess the bright side is maybe we will get through all our sickness before our trip.... :) For now its back to bed....


  1. WE just started our make a wish stuff. Jax is now officially a wish kid! I'm so excited!

  2. I guess the reason we feel so bad when ill is that we aren't ill 90% of the time like our kids can be. They learn to function on a level we probably couldn't even get out of bed on.

    They are amazingly strong.

    So need to feel pathetic as you'll never be able to compete against a super hero!

    I really hope you are feeling better soon, hope someone is looking after you.


  3. OH NO! I sure hope you all feel better before your trip!! And, you are totally NOT a wuss :).

  4. I love your blog - layout and the positive attitude you have. Lane is a beautiful child - I love that our sons are the same age!!! What are in your shakes?! He looks so healthy and big!

    I hope you feel better soon (and BEFORE your trip). Congrats on Lane's wish being granted!! How exciting :D I've thought about doing so for Hunter...but I wasn't sure how to get started or if he was "sick" enough. (What a horrible idea)

    Anyway - GET BETTER SOON!!!


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